TD / 12.10–12.18 2022
Zahra explores the ways embellishments allow one to navigate spaces and cultures they are made to believe are not fully theirs to claim. By highlighting certain elements of culturally specific objects—and simultaneously obscuring and/or omitting others—Zahra seeks to ask questions she is unaware she has. In finding those questions, she aims to better understand her cultural positionality.

By highlighting certain elements of culturally specific objects—and simultaneously obscuring and/or omitting others—Zahra seeks to ask questions she is unaware she has.
Zahra Almajidi is a visual artist raised and based in Detroit, MI. Utilizing both traditional metalsmithing techniques and CAD/CAM processes, her work explores the ways in which objects and adornment allow one to question and contend with what it means to exist and to resist within a culture that hesitates to recognize and accept one as they are. She is currently the Assistant Technology Coordinator at Cranbrook Academy of Art as well as an adjunct instructor at Wayne State University.